Drivers SDC

STUDEBAKER DRIVERS CLUB Established October 1983 Chartered June 1984: 103 Larkspur Drive Altamonte Springs, FL Our. The Potomac Chapter of the Studebaker Drivers Club, was chartered in April 1967. It encompasses the area of Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia. Current membership approaches one Hundred.

Detailed Description Generic SD Card Driver. This module implements a generic SDC (Secure Digital Card) driver. Welcome to the Northeast Oklahoma Chapter of the Studebaker Drivers Club! We are a not for profit group of Studebaker enthusiasts based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We are a local chapter member of Studebaker Drivers Club,Inc. Founded in 1972 we have enjoyed 45 years of existence. For more information about our club please visit our about page. Studebaker Drivers Club WEB SITE; LINKS JOIN WMC NATIONAL SDC MEMBERS CARS 2020 CLUB OFFICIALS CLUB EVENTS CALENDAR 2019/2020 WMC Newsletters PDF.

Potomac Chapter

2020 - 2021


Join SDC

Then join

The Potomac Chapter
(printable page)
2021 Planned Activities
(Feb 2021 )
(Posted 01 Feb 2021) Alternate Activities


Cars for sale
President's Latest
Steering Column

Feb 2021
Last Meeting Minutes
By Ed Lemanski

Updated occasionally

Potomac Chapter
Aug 2020 TECH TIP
Page 1
(Page 2)
In The Spotlight

Steve Whites Hawk
in filming of 'The Post'
Large image

Steve White - March 2018
John Sartorius - Feb 2021
Paul Bjarnason
(2) (3) (4)
Feb 2021
Paul Johnson - Feb 2021
Pete Rutledge - Feb 2021
1962 GT Hawk
Steve White
November 2014
Larry Merhaut's Lark Convertible
Turning Wheels
March 2012
Rodney Bullock's Hawk
Turning Wheels
Sept 2011

(July 2013)

Chapter/Regional NOTICESNOTE:
Frank Phillipi

is your
Atlantic Zone Coordinator
The Studebaker Drivers Club was founded on August 6, 1962 by the late Harry Barnes along with Norah Barnes, Tony Caralla, Harold E. Kraft, Arthur J. McIntyre, Ronald L. Nelson & Robert E. Schaffrath.

The purpose of the Studebaker Drivers Club (SDC) was, and continues to be, to honor the Studebaker automobile and all of the Studebaker-related products. The SDC sponsors an annual International Meet where Studebaker owners from across North America bring their Studebakers and families for a week of fun, showing their vehicles, sharing information and memories, and even participate in concours judging. The SDC International Meets are hosted by a local SDC chapter and held in various locations.


In addition, the SDC is organized into several zones, each zone having an annual Zone Meet that attracts Studebakers from across their area and beyond. Like the International Meet, all Zone Meets offer a number of activities, as well as a “display only” and concours judged car show.

Across the US, Canada, and around the world, there are more than 100 chartered SDC local chapters. Each local chapter conducts a broad variety of events throughout the the year, ranging from cruises to car shows and picnics to poker runs. Membership in the Studebaker Drivers Club is a prerequisite for joining a local chapter. Most SDC members are also members of at least one local chapter.

Drivers Scan

You don’t have to own a Studebaker in order to join the Studebaker Drivers Club, you just have to have an interest in them. Of course, if you own a Studebaker vehicle, whether factory stock or modified, you’ll really benefit from an SDC membership, not the least of which is a subscription to our award-winning monthly magazine, Turning Wheels.

Drivers Sccm

We invite you join our more than 12,500 members around the world. You can join the SDC either securely online 24/7 or by mail.